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Dog training while in lock down...


Updated: Oct 8, 2020

So this is a strange time for us all. As we are over three weeks in now, my DIY list is done and I've completed 3 puzzles, time is still on my hands.

So I have been giving my two dogs some extra attention in their dog training. Something I did lack in before the outbreak as I was getting super busy, you may have seen me driving around Harlow!

As many dogs exercises would have been reduced (especially their group walks pals!) , its important to reduce your dogs daily food allowance to help our furry little friends not gain some weight. Using your dogs kibble is a great way to add some training in without giving out too many treats. Of course you can still use treats but maybe save them for that special recall away from a distraction or awesome new trick you have mastered!


I have put together a weekly training schedule for my dogs for me to follow. As I am sure everyone can relate I am sometimes struggling with motivation and also what day it is, so this has helped me out.


I also want to include some time away from my dogs. so have added in some meal times in a different room from you, so they can have that all important time away from us now, before when we return back to normal and they could become anxious being left alone. If you do struggle, as I know some people have open plan living layouts, try sitting in your car for a few moments while taking that conference call, or writing a few emails.

I have saved it as my phone as the screen saver, but you can print it out add it to your fridge, mirror anywhere you may need a reminder. I have tried to make it fit in with a normal working day, as I know many of you are still working from home.

If you would like a copy, head over to my main website on the training advice tab and click the download button :)

Hope you are all keeping well in these times. Keep safe, wash your hands.

Rachel x



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